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Opiniones de clientes

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Valoración global
opiniones Valoración
90.24% 74 opiniones
6.1% 5 opiniones
1.22% 1 opinione
1.22% 1 opinione
1.22% 1 opinione
I have just found out! after my partners operation that my order was in fact NOT delivered in Full!
as i requested and paid for a Teddy bear to be delivered,
i am extreamly dissapointed that this was not sent and that i was not advised of this even though i had paid for it i shall be contacting Pay-Pal with this information! as the damage is done and cannot be reversed as Ms Zubkova will leave hospital tomorrow and has spent her time with out the company of a bear that i promised to send on this occasion your services have proved inadaquate and dissapointing!
Mark Watson, London /Falklands, London
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Thankyou i am glad we got there in the end
Mark Watson, U.K. via the falklands, London
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Thank you very Much!!!
Klymenko Oksana, Ukraine, Kiev
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Thank you very much!! You did it fantastically! I was a bit sceptic whether you will manage to deviver flowers 200 km far from Minsk. And you did it! I'll use your services again!
Olga P., Switzerland, Geneva
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Hi all, i need to congratulate you on a wonderful and easy service. This was the first time i have used your site and everything was perfect. I thankyou very much, you have made a special day even better for us. I will certainly use your services again soon.
Aidan, Australia, Sydney
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You guys are great! great customer services.Making reqests just as been asked. Thank You!
Oleg K, USA, Cleveland
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same day delivery to small town in the south of Russia!!!! AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE! tHANKS... my mom and granny were EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!!! THANKS!!!!!
elena, usa, new york
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Thank you to The Team of
It is the second time I use their services and everything was made with lots of professionalism. The recipient is for a second time VERY happy.
A special Thank you to Madam Alice !
Pierre-Nicolas Sabbagh, CANADA, Monteal
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Very good service and support. Will use your service for sure again. Thank you very much.
Stephan Sinn, Germany, Stuttgat
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thank u very much for the delivery,it was kind of u,i wish u guys best of luck,and i hope u guys have taken some picture with almira in ufa,russia and flowers,i wish to see them if u guys can please,
asif ansari, usa, atlantic city nj
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Total 136 opinione

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